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Today’s program is dedicated in loving memory of
Menachem Mendel and Shaindel Tabacinic a”h
May the merit of the children’s Torah learning
bring great joy and nachas to their neshamos



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The Sound of Teffilah

Activity 1

Connecting to your Higher Power.

A Musical Conversation with Hashem

Ages 4 - 6

Ages 7+

The Sound of Teffilah
Take Action
 My Neshama’s Light

Activity 2

An interactive video where you will learn fundamental aspects of Judaism in a fun & exciting way!

Take Action
Exploration Lab
Exploration Lab
Walking Rainbow

Activity 5

Watch colors walk to form a rainbow!

Supplies Needed:

  • 7 Clear cups

  • 6 Paper towels

  • Food coloring (Red, Yellow, Blue)

  • Water

  • Spoon

Craft Corner
Stackable Rainbow

Activity 4

Create a liquid rainbow and discover how some ingredients don't like to mix.

OTB Week 3 Activity Guide (1).bmp

Supplies Needed:

  • A tall glass jar that can hold  1½ cups of liquid

  • ¼ cup measuring cup

  • Spoon for mixing

  • ¼ cup Rubbing alcohol

  • ¼ cup Corn syrup or honey

  • ¼ cup Olive oil

  • ¼ cup Blue dish soap

  • Food coloring: red, blue and green

  • Cups (alternative to glass jar)

Craft Corner
Take the Challenge
Pipe Cleaners and Tin foil

Activity 5

Design something creative out of just pipe cleaners and tin foil! Submit a photo of your creation and a brief description to your local camp chapter for a chance to be featured in an online sculpture exhibit.


Supplies Needed:

  • Tin foil (5 sheets)

  • Pipe cleaners (15)

  • Tape (optional)


Take The Challange
Kids Kosher Kitchen
Fruit Flowers

Activity 6

Make a beautiful bouquet of fruit flowers

Supplies Needed:

  • Skewer Cookie cutters (Flowers, hearts or stars)

  • Melon (watermelon, cantaloupe etc.) Grapes or Blueberries

Kids Kosher Kitchen
The Amazing Jason Tardy

Activity 7

Featuring fast-paced juggling routines this show is non-stop entertainment from start to finish!

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